Yoga Therapy

What is yoga therapy?
Yoga therapy is a process to overcome many physical health issues. It is very subtle and effective treatment like back pain, knee pain, heart conditions, asthma, chronic fatigue, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, and side effects of chemotherapy.
Yoga Therapy is the process by using some profound an proven techniques to overcome and prevent illnesses, healing, aliging the body posture with breath and mindfullness and achieve an overall state of wellbeing.
Many people who are new to yoga or come to yoga will often have issues such as injury, pain, and even chronic illnesses.  The program is designed to expand your knowledge and practice as well as giving you confidence.  
Yoga Therapy program teaches you the art and science of applying yogic principles to enhance wellbeing and overcome illness so that you can live a healthier and happierl life.
As being a Yoga Therapist, we emphasis and provide a verity of treatment to specific conditions to our clients and focus on our client's health and well-being.
We encourage our client beyond just asana and pranayama and help them become well grounded in yogic lifestyle, diet and preventions to overcome issues or illness.
Yoga Therpay as a complementary treatment for some of major disorders like;
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Stress and Mental Health
  • Heart conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Asthama
  • Indigestion
  • Thyroids
  • Arthritis
and many more conditions...
To find out more about 'Yoga Therapy' treatment and sessions, consultation and workshops, please feel free to Contact Us via email at 
Mb: 0410 533 172 .
Ayurveda & Asanas

According to Ayurveda, different people require very different yoga practices. According to Ayurveda, the universal life force manifests as three different energies, or doshas, known as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The three doshas fluctuate constantly. As they move out of balance, they affect particular areas of our bodies in characteristic ways.

When determining the kind of yoga practice that is right for you, the most important factor is to know your vikruti, or imbalance. Your vikruti is, in fact, the single most important determinant of your entire regime. Once you have corrected your imbalance, you can stay in good health by choosing a yoga practice that balances your constitution, or prakruti.

Vata yoga practice will take place in a calm and humble environment. Attention will be given to grounding and focusing asanas that are warming. Vatas choose very often a dynamic and movement-oriented yoga practice and vigorous pranayama (breathing techniques).

Pitta yoga or exercise should be of moderate-intensity to balance the warm and restless fire and water elements. A pitta person is often drawn to challenging practices to soothe its competitive mind.

Yoga for Kapha types will be more vigorous and intense to strengthen and balance the heavy earth and moist water element. A Kapha person is more likely to choose a gentle practice and restorative yoga classes;

A good yoga practitioner needs to know how to detoxify through the dietary, lifestyle, and purification practices. Without a foundation in ayurvedic knowledge, hatha yoga runs the risk of becoming just pure physical exercise.

Yoga (asanas and pranayama) aims to cleanse the nadis, or channels, with different postures and breathings. But trying to do that without using the ayurvedic principles for removing ama (digestive impurities) is like hopping on one leg. That's why traditional yoga schools have always taught ayurvedic principles as well as yoga asanas and pranayama because the two are so interdependent.

Book a consultation today and learn how Ayurveda and Yoga can help you and your family.
M: 0410 533 172